
Body's Reason by Maria-Merce Marcal
Body's Reason by Maria-Merce Marcal

The posthumously published volume of Marçal’s work entitled The Body's Reason was translated into English by Abelló and Noèlia Díaz-Vicedo, while the anthology Fifty Love poems by Montserrat Abelló was translated from Catalan into English by the author herself. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and put into context two English translations of these poets. These two authors translated poetic works from other languages, and their works in turn have been published in translation. Summary/Abstract: Maria-Mercè Marçal (1952-1998) and Montserrat Abelló (1918-2014) were two of the greatest poets and translators who worked in Catalan, and both were committed feminists and staunch defenders of their language. Published by: Risoprint Keywords: Montserrat Abelló Maria-Mercè Marçal translation Feminism Catalan literature The body, sexual identity and creative freedom. During these two decades, more material has been published from a legacy that reaches heartstrings of a present continuous. Subject(s): Philology, Translation Studies Twenty years after coming to a premature end, the work of Maria-Mercè Marçal (1952-1998) is still alive and is seeing a new and incisive period. Maria-Mercè Marçal and Montserrat Abelló: Catalan Poets, Feminists, Translators and Translated Authors Maria-Mercè Marçal y Montserrat Abelló: poetas catalanas, feministas, traductoras y traducidas Traducir poesía para reconstruir un país.

Body's Reason by Maria-Merce Marcal