
Devil in a blue dress by walter mosley
Devil in a blue dress by walter mosley

devil in a blue dress by walter mosley

This repetition makes it clear to the reader that race will be an issue and will play a part in the story.

devil in a blue dress by walter mosley

The constant focus on skin color reminds the reader of the time period that the novel takes place in. In a scene where Easy goes to see Albright in his office, he is confronted by a “little white man wearing a suit that was also a uniform.” (58) Though this encounter with the security guard is brief, Rawlins notes his skin color four times. As the novel continues and more characters are introduced, Mosley continues describing them in terms of their skin color. The word “white” is used three times in just this one sentence. Upon seeing Albright for the first time Rawlins considers, “It’s not just that he was white but he wore an off-white linen suit and shirt with a Panama straw hat and bone shoes over flashing white silk socks.” (45) It not only describes Albright as a Caucasian man, but he is literally, in every aspect, a white man. The character of DeWitt Albright is introduced in the first paragraph of the novel.

Devil in a blue dress by walter mosley