
Gushee changing our mind
Gushee changing our mind

gushee changing our mind

I will be your ally in every way I know how to be,” according to proposed remarks obtained by Religion News Service. … I will seek to stand in solidarity with you who have suffered the lash of countless Christian rejections. Gushee plans to tell the conference, “I do join your crusade tonight. 6-8 conference in Washington, D.C., hosted by The Reformation Project, a group that describes itself as “Bible-based,” “Gospel-centered” and advocating “LGBT inclusion.” The conference’s other keynote speaker, Matthew Vines, is a popular LGBT advocate whose book “God and the Gay Christian” argues that Christianity is compatible with homosexuality. Gushee, distinguished university professor of Christian ethics at Mercer University, plans to explain his apparently newfound views on homosexuality at a Nov. For those who know about Gushee … this has been a long time in coming.” This is not the kind of announcement that sends shockwaves through evangelicalism. In fact, earlier this year Gushee endorsed a book making revisionist arguments about the Bible and homosexuality.

gushee changing our mind

That he is making this announcement now shocks no one. “He’s been on a leftward slide for many years now on a range of issues. “This is no surprise for those who have been following David Gushee’s career,” Denny Burk, professor of biblical studies at Boyce College wrote in an Oct. NASHVILLE (BP) - Baptist ethicist David Gushee’s declaration that he now believes not all homosexual behavior is sinful is a predictable next step following a decades-long intellectual trajectory, evangelical leaders have said.

Gushee changing our mind